Maine Business School
Management majors navigate the complexities of corporate, international, and small business management and hone administrative and organizational principles, such as leadership, organizational change, strategic analysis, production system analysis, and human resources. The subject matter offered includes administration and organizational theory, motivational and social systems, human resource management, operations, and decision and policymaking systems.
The Management major helps students master the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of corporate, international, and small business management. The program’s broad scope allows students to understand administrative and organizational principles, including decision-making, teamwork, leadership, motivation, organizational change, strategic analysis, and production system analysis. Career paths for Management majors include business consulting, general management in private and nonprofit organizations, and human resource management. Many of our Management students double major here at the Maine Business School.
You can learn and apply valuable management skills such as leadership and organizational behavior with consulting projects, internships, and even travel the world to learn about international commerce. Our students work with the local business community to gain experience that goes far beyond the classroom. Maine Business School graduates are consistently sought after by recruiters, and some continue their education in graduate programs.
At the Maine Business School, learning isn’t confined to the classroom. In fact, that’s only the beginning. Our students are involved in projects and research on campus and throughout Maine. Many of our management students are double majors, honing their skills in two or more of our five majors and concentrations.