Art Education
College of Liberal Art and Sciences
The art education program at the University of Maine is the largest and most comprehensive in Maine. It offers students an integrated liberal arts program that places both theory and practice at the center of their learning experiences. As a result, students are not only prepared as “highly qualified” art teachers, they are also well educated in the complexity and diversity of art and our visual and material culture.
The B.A. program in Art Education includes the study of educational theory, the development of studio art skills, art historical research, and supervised student teaching.Students graduate with a liberal arts education that includes minors in studio art and art history. A combination of study in studio art, art history, aesthetics and art criticism helps Art Education majors develop a comprehensive understanding of how art knowledge is organized and conveyed. In addition, students engage in research and study the historical, cultural, psychological and philosophical foundations of art education and gain practical, hands-on experience as teachers.
Why study art education at UMaine?
Undergraduate study in art education not only prepares a student for teaching certification but also for graduate work in specialized areas of art education and related fields of study. Some art education majors choose careers in museum education, art therapy, community arts education, arts administration, or other fields, which involve working closely with people and art.
Art education students participate in an early teaching experience in the Art Education laboratory school, ArtWorks! This program offers students an opportunity to work with K-8 students in a controlled environment.
Students receive considerable feedback on their classroom engagement and complete self-evaluation forms in an effort to encourage critical self-reflection on all aspects of their teaching experience.
Why art at UMaine?
The Department of Art offers dynamic, interdisciplinary programs in a challenging and supportive environment. The department is home to the Lord Hall gallery and works closely with galleries and museums throughout the state, in addition to sponsoring an active visiting artist and lecture series. Such collaborations ensure that the department’s programming is vital and reflective of contemporary concerns in art, art history, art criticism and the teaching of art. The Department of Art balances a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences with intensive study of the visual arts. Whether conducting research, analyzing, critiquing or producing work, students prepare to become informed and creative contributors to the media-rich 21st century.
Justin Wolff
Professor and Chair, Department of Art
107 Lord Hall
207.581.3245 | justin.wolff@maine.edu

Lord Hall Gallery
Lord Hall Gallery is located on the mall of the University of Maine in the historic Lord Hall. The gallery hosts six exhibitions each year including work by invited artists, faculty and students.