Marine Science

College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

Marine science is a rich discipline that combines studies from a variety of subjects in order to understand the marine environment, marine life, and their interactions. Marine science plays a pivotal role in the continuing quest to understand our world and to manage its resources. The interdisciplinary nature of the Marine Science curriculum will prepare students to analyze critically such contemporary issues as environmental change, human impacts on the ocean, and biodiversity. 

  • State-of-the-art marine laboratory on the coast of Maine 
  • Ocean observation, modeling and prediction 
  • Research conducted throughout the world’s oceans 
  • Hands-on experience 
  • Outstanding opportunities for internships and work experience 
  • Hands-on experience 
  • Outstanding opportunities for internships and work experience 
  • Close interaction with faculty 
  • Unique in-residence undergraduate program Semester by the Sea
  • NEBHE Program: Applicants to this program who reside in Connecticut, Massachusetts or Vermont are eligible for reduced tuition under the New England Regional Student Program, administered through the New England Board of Higher Education 

The School of Marine Sciences offers excellent preparation for a broad range of careers, as well as a solid foundation for entry into graduate programs. Students receive an interdisciplinary education in marine sciences and may specialize by earning a concentration in marine biology, marine physical sciences or aquaculture. Students are encouraged to participate in Semester by the Sea at the Darling Marine Center and are also required to conduct independent research projects in their senior year under the supervision of university faculty. 

 Students are encouraged to join the Marine Science Undergraduate Club and SCUBA Club. They also have opportunities to participate in such travel experiences as Coral Reef Ecology, travels to Belize or Bonaire on spring break, and studying abroad in Australia, Hawaii and New Zealand. Our students also have received credit for traveling for a semester on a schooner or ocean liner as part of other academic programs. 

The University of Maine’s School of Marine Sciences is one of the largest marine research institutions in the United States with more than 50 faculty, all of whom hold Ph.D. degrees. Faculty and student research activities include the fields of aquaculture, oceanography, public policy and marine biology, biotechnology, geology and archeology. In addition to the Gulf of Maine, research is conducted throughout the world’s oceans, from the Arctic and the tropics to the Antarctic. 

Educational opportunities in the school are varied and include programs of study leading to bachelor of science, master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. Hands-on experience is an integral part of all School of Marine Sciences programs and numerous undergraduate research internships are available. 

 Semester by the Sea is a unique in-residence program for undergraduates at the Darling Marine Center. The field-intensive program is designed to allow in-depth exposure to marine ecosystems and a variety of marine organisms. 

William Ellis

Associate Professor of Oceanography and Associate Director

360 Aubert Hall
207.581.4360 |

Marine Sciences

College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

360 Aubert Hall
207.581.4381 |

An aerial photo of the Darling Marine Center at dusk

Darling Marine Center

The Darling Marine Center is the marine laboratory of the University of Maine. Located on the beautiful coast in Walpole, Maine, the center functions year-round as an international research and educational facility for marine faculty and students. Educational opportunities exist at all degree levels, with special courses during May Term and in the summer.